2024 market schedule
Ballard Farmers Market
Sundays 9 am - 2 pm
We will be at Ballard Market for the 2024 season every Sunday unless noted here otherwise.
See you there!
where else to find our produce
Puget Sound Food Hub
When you order from us through the Food Hub, you’re receiving freshly harvested produce directly from our farm. The Food Hub offers a convenient, streamlined delivery process, which is a pro for us and our customers!
See what we have available fresh from the farm right now.
Local Restaurants
We love working directly with restaurants and food purveyors! These have included Old Town Cafe, Elizabeth Station, Tam Tam Pizza, Salmonberry Goods, Greenwood Cider, and Patty Pan Cooperative.
Get in touch with us - we’d love to see our produce on your menu!
Grocery Stores
Find our produce at grocery stores in Whatcom and Skagit.
Deep Summer CSA???
We’ve learned in our last three years of growing that we love our big ol’ summer hauls the most - tomatoes, peppers, squash, greens, roots - it’s all popping. So we might, MIGHT, offer a three-month late season CSA to celebrate the bounty. We’ll make an announcement on Instagram if so, so be sure to follow us there!

out standing in our field
Bright Thread Farm is turning four this year, and we are experiencing all of the exuberance, tumult, learning, unbridled momentum and joy that is the norm when raising any headstrong young’un. Did we really know what we were getting into when we founded Bright Thread Farm? Absolutely not! But we did know that we were happiest with our hands in the dirt; that we cared about our environment, our community, and our food systems; and that we wanted to be, if not the solution to the worlds’ problems, at least not making things any worse! We care a lot, we try really hard, and, four years in, we’re happy to be here!
Though Bright Thread Farm is totally our own, we are lucky enough to have access to Viva Farm’s farm incubation program in Skagit County, which means we are farming on land leased from Viva. The program has been invaluable, and Bright Thread truly wouldn’t exist without it. Thanks, Viva!

“ But it was the three Fays of Destiny, the Norns, who decided the fate of every human being… they knew what was, what had been, and what was to be… the Norns spun a thread of life for every human being. Often it was a gray, course thread. But for farmers they sometimes spun a finer thread in a brighter color... ”
D’Aulaires’ Norse Gods and Giants